The only mobile application for checking water usage, reporting acres, crops and management, and soils data while getting a nitrogen recommendation all in one location. You can even receive notifications and announcements from the districts.

Platform Integration

Integration with Hydrodata services to provide information and submittals seamlessly

View Your Latest Data

View your flowmeter, crops, and soils data in one location and submit to the district

Map Based

View and select data from the interactive map without the need to remember the names

Multiple Platforms

Choose to use the web based version or install a mobile app for your phone or tablet to get all the features

Change Your Data

Update things like you phone number and address. Submit meter reads and nitrate application data

Get Recommendations

You will receive recommendations of nitrate applications from your soils, crops, and water data

Data driven technology made simple

Using district data and user inputs we are able to give you a snapshot of water use and give Nitrate recommendations without hassle of getting data from multiple locations

We are using standard research and models to give our results as well as district accepted methods to comply with their requirements.


User submitted Information

  • Update your contact information like mobile or home phone number or address
  • Submit crop and management reports for nitrate applications
  • Enter in soil test results and upload a picture of the document
Quick Details Video

View Data through a whole new lens

See what you have with the district updated in real time and be able to use that data like never before. Update the data with new reads, better crop data, and new soils information as you receive it.

Never guess how much quota or how much Nitrate to apply, use the app and get the district's recommendation right on your device


District Users


Flowmeters Tracted


Acres Logged


ProducerConnect will keep you on track and save you time. Download it today

Web Version Download Download